Detoxification and the rebuilding of our intestines is a vital part of living. The daily walk to the toilet should be a pleasant one not filled with fear and despair.
Countless humans suffer from constipation diarrhea or other colon related dysfunctions, there is an endless list of reasons for this problem but only a view true remedies.
- Fasting
- Probiotics
- Elimination diets
- Certain Plants compounds
- Algaes and Mushrooms
can all help in different scenarios.
Not being able to eliminate effectively and efficiently comes with a long list of problems. Pain, bloating, swelling, constipation, diminished nutrient uptake through the colon wall and even cortisol related leaky gut syndrome can occur.
A cleanse or at least cleaning support in the form of chlorophyll is one of the easiest and safest first steps towards better bowel movements.
Imagine a cleaning team going through your insides and taking out the trash. Thats what some plant and mineral compounds can and will do.
We love especially the Chlorella algae as a beginners tool of detoxification and restoring a balanced colon.
Effective heavy metal detoxification is made possible by this certain algae which binds the toxins and are eliminates through bowel movements.
Algae are true superfoods that contain also a wide variety of minerals and nutrients especially for the vegan population the Chlorella algae is a good source of vitamin B12.
We praise Chlorella for the detoxification the improved colon wall to ensure proper nutrient and vitamin uptake (you can eat all the healthy food you want if your colon wall is sick you will not contain much of it) and because we enjoy the perfect toilet visit, the so called “no wipes” are simply pleasant and what every honest human hopes for. Yes the cell phone time on the toilet gets drastically diminished but health and convenience surpass the joys of scrolling while trying to loose a couple grams of ballast.
Deep Clean your Colon and say goodbye to bloating / diarrhea and constipation
- support health and wellbeing by using Chlorella
- Prevent colon problems and regenerate your gut micro-biom
- Forget bloating, cramps and discomfort
- Get rid of heavy metals and aluminum
- Enhance your Beauty and Skin quality
Nutritional supplements